Monday, January 27, 2014

My Happiness Project

I've been making it a point to vary what I've been reading. On one of my regular trips to Target I was attracted by this book.
With all of the change and everything going on recently it seemed like a good read. The author goes through a 12 month process where she 1 or 2 goals each month, and she rates herself everyday for the month. She is currently continuing her happiness project, and you can read her blog here. While I appreciated the concept I think she got a little too wrapped up where she only focused on herself. 
One of the things that she did was create her list of commandments to help promote happiness.
I decided that I would work on this myself, without becoming so in depth that it rules my day to day. The first thing is to create a list of commandments for myself.
1. Enjoy The Simple.
This is about finding happiness and joy in the small things. Enjoy an exceptional cup of tea. Admire the peaceful snow storms. Wear a funky scarf and tie it in a new way.
2.Step away from social networks. 
I've already begun towork on this, the Facebook App has been deleted from my phone. While I plan to regularly check my facebook, I'm not going to depend on it for entertainment or communication. Unfortunately I cannot completely get rid of it, the painting business that I'm working with depends upon facebook for advertising, communication, etc.
3.Play with Evie
I spend a lot of time watching movies and reading with Evie, but I should take some time to play with her. I want to come up with at least one creative activity per week to do together. To hold myself accountable I'm going to post about it here! :)
4.Exercise More
No more excuses about John's schedule. I'm going to squeeze in workouts whether I can make it to the gym or not (being out of town is the only exception in the colder months, because I can at least run when it's warmer). Since I started working out again my whole attitude and energy level have both changed.
5.Eat more veggies
John and I have decided to make 1-2 veggie centric meals per week. This is mainly for health reasons, we tend to eat some pretty heavy meals because we both really love experimenting. We need to get more green goodness in there! 
6.Remind yourself that being a SAHM is a job.
Since moving to CT I've been kind of obsessing over finding a job. Taking care of Evie is important, being a stay at home mom is a lot of work. A Forbes Article detailed why stay at home moms should make about $115,000 per year (just imagine how much a friend of mine that has 4 children under the age of 3 would make!!). This blog Matt Walsh wrote about his wife helped to remind me that  I am doing important work. Recently, I had someone close to me call what I did into question, telling me that I don't do anything and that I'm worthless (clearly out of anger). That blog article reminded me that I am worth a lot to my daughter and husband.
7.Go Natural
This covers a lot of things. First off, I want to go more natural with the types of food we're eating. This week I'm going to begin making our wheat bread. Small changes make for an easy transition. I also want to use more natural hair care, skin care, and beauty products.
I want to learn more about a number of topics. I want to learn how to have my own garden. I want to learn how to do different activities. Trying new things is fun!
9.Let it Roll Off
Let the unnecessary drama go. If it doesn't directly involve me, I'm gonna ignore it. Try not to control every situation, let others handle it.
10.Have more conversations with my husband while he makes dinner
I used to hate standing around our kitchen in Hawaii while my husband cooked. My back would hurt and I would get restless. We now have this wonderful breakfast bar where I can sit and talk to him while he cooks. 
Those are the 10 things I'm going to continually work on for 2014. It's ok if I falter in some areas at times, but I want to be better overall when 2015 comes along. Especially if we're planning on adding another member to our family. What would your 10 commandments be?


  1. Eating vegies is on my list too, along with eating at the dinner table. We are really bad at this.

    All your things seem doable good luck!

  2. Love your Ten Commandments, and kudos on going more natural AND recognizing your value as a SAHM! I received this book last year and only reached a certain page. I kind of agree that she became incredibly self absorbed through the process, but you've inspired me to pick up the book again and look at it through new eyes.

  3. I really enjoyed this post & I love your 10 commandments! I look forward to seeing what crafts and such you do with Evie. Hmmm as for my commandments...slow down and take time to really relax would be at the top of my list. I find I am always searching for something to do so I can "be productive and have something to show for my time", and it can be really maddening when I stop to think about that fact and why I am the way I am. Life isn't about checking things off my to-do list, but about enjoying the moment however simple and quiet it may be :)
