Sunday, February 23, 2014

Real Talk: Job Hunting and Resume Writing

Do you ever feel like you're a perpetual teenager and you still look up to parents/older relatives as adults? I feel that way sometimes, and then I remind myself "Hey, you're a mom and wife. You take care of adult business on the daily, you've earned this title".
I think one of the biggest things that has held me back from owning it is my lack of career. It's been almost a year since I graduated and I have yet to step into a job in my field. This is something I feel like I always come back to in my blog writing. I just have this certain feeling of inadequacy because I have yet to have a real full time job. 
Last night, my friend Amanda and I got to chatting over wine and the conversation veered toward my career based insecurities. I know the biggest thing that's been holding me back is my lack of resume and cover letter writing skills. I had a few people offer me help post graduation in this area, and I've kind of just been too chicken to do so. I explained to Amanda that I was embarrassed by my resume, to put it simply. She reassured me that no one has a fantastic resume to start but we could work it out together. Her empathy toward my situation really made me feel so much better!
So now, one of my main goals is to have a job by year end. I think that's realistic based on what Amanda and other friends have said about the job hunt. I really thought it was my level of inexperience and just my junk resume. I now know that at least one of those things is untrue.
What is the best advice you've been given about job hunting?


  1. Talk to people. I really think networking is important. Going to 1 job fair in college ended up getting me both of my jobs, even a few years down the line. If you can make an impression it really helps.

  2. Glad I could help! I'm always here if you need me :)
