Saturday, June 28, 2014

Healthy Fueling

Something that has come up in conversation A LOT lately is how I fuel my body. There are so many different schools of thought on what's best diet wise. I am part of the school of thought that each individual needs to fuel their body differently.
Here's an easy comparison: A 200 lb man who is a body builder will surely need a higher caloric and protein intake than a 130lb woman who is a dancer. Pretty easy distinction there.
I am a 178 lb woman who runs long distances and works out 5 days per week on average. I need to take in a certain amount of calories to keep going. I really need to take in some good healthy carbs in order to keep going on my high cardio based workouts. So you see, each person needs to customize the way they eat to the way they live.
Here are some things that I've been enjoying in creating a healthier eating style.

1. My Garden- Oh I so love my garden. Husband put a lot of hard work in to build it. We are currently growing 2 types of lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, squash, and various herbs.
2. Nature Box (In no way is this blog endorsed by Nature Box, I just love them). Each month I get a box with 5 full size bags of healthy and delicious snacks. This deters me from even entering the chip/cookie aisles in the grocery store. They're easy to grab for something quick and portable for road trips/play dates. Note: If you are at all interested in trying Nature Box please let me know, I can get you $10 off your first box!! :)
3. Smoothies- I love smoothies so much, they are easy to throw together and take along. You can put any number of things in them based on what type of nutritional value you are looking for. Here is a recipe of mine that's easy and tasty:

Strawberry Mango Coconut Water Smoothie

1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 cup of frozen mangos
2 cups of coconut water
1/4 cup of plain greek yogurt with honey

Put the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. So refreshing and hydrating for a yummy summer treat.

What are your favorite healthy snack hacks? What are your favorite smoothie recipes?


1 comment:

  1. I love my garden too! I just wish it was bigger, it's overflowing this year. AS far as smoothies go, i'm not really a huge fan of yogurt in mine. I like them watery I guess. I have been on a strawberry & Spinach kick lately. Just strawberry, spinach, and water.
